Greek Life Returns to Campus
By: Gia Lukaitis
Rutgers University-Camden is no longer at home and online which means greek life, athletics and clubs have also returned to liven up our campus. Social fraternities such as Tau Kappa Epsilon, Tau Epsilon Phi and Alpha Chi Rho all had their first in-person recruitment last week since the initial campus shut-down in March 2020. Beginning September 27th, social sororities Sigma Delta Tau and Delta Phi Epsilon will be hosting their first recruitment since returning as well.
Mary Gray, the Vice President of Recruitment from Sigma Delta Tau is so excited to welcome potential new members to in-person recruitment. Gray will be participating in her very first recruitment as an initiated sister. Being the Vice President of Recruitment, she has had to use what she learned online and apply it to the way the process works when on campus.
Despite this transition, Gray and the rest of the sisters of Sigma Delta Tau are hopeful for the year. “I think in-person events let the sisters get to know the potential new members in a different way,” she said. “Online it is harder to show personality than when you are talking to someone in-person. Potential new members will find these events comfortable and enjoyable.”
The Delta Zeta chapter of Sigma Delta Tau was founded on the Rutgers-Camden campus in 2002. Since then, the sisters have dedicated their time raising money for Jewish Women International and Prevent Child Abuse America. Their chapter was also ranked as the top fundraiser for Jewish Women International during the Fall 2020 semester. Members are also recognizable for their dedication to their studies. Other notable events that the sorority has hosted are anti-hazing events with guest speakers such as Evelyn Piazza, mother of Timothy Piazza, 19, who suffered fatal injuries during a fraternity hazing ritual at Pennsylvania State University in 2017.
To anyone who plans to come out for Sigma Delta Tau’s recruitment process for the fall semester, Gray has some advice. “Be yourself when coming out to events and share why you thought about joining our sorority,” she said. “The sisters love to hear why you decided to come out and enjoy getting to know everyone on a personal level.”
Recruitment events for Sigma Delta Tau will be held from September 27th to September 30th. Here is the list of events where you can meet the sisters of Sigma Delta Tau
Monday 9/27: Free Period in MPR informational session, 7:00pm in West ABC
Tuesday 9/28: Free Period in MPR informational session, 7:00pm in West ABC
Wednesday 9/29: 7:00pm in West ABC
Thursday 9/30: 7:00pm in West ABC