SGA Meeting Notes: 3/7/2024

Photo credit: Rutgers University–Camden
By Gretchen Purvis
Rutgers–Camden’s Student Governing Association’s (SGA) March 7th meeting
began at 5:15 PM.
A new 50,000 sq. ft. CAS facility on Cooper and Lawrence St.s west of Fifth St.
will begin construction soon, aiming to open by fall 2026. Previous residents’ and
businesses’ histories are available on the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Humanities’
(MARCH) website (https://omeka.camden.rutgers.edu/neatline/show/from-countryside-to-city#records/31). Lawrence Street’s food pantry will not be affected. Drawings for the complex will be revealed near the end of March.
The anticipated CAS complex is part of a larger investment in RUC’s maintenance
and upgrades: the Walter K. Gordon Theater was recarpeted during spring break, and
Starbucks closed 3/12 for renovations. The Stedman Theater and the Johnson Park
Digital Studies buildings are renovation targets. New uses for space freed in Armitage
are still undetermined. In response to a proposal to use Johnson Park as either
expanded space or new space for art students, Dean Griffin stated that Johnson Park
needs renovations and to be incorporated into the main campus.
CAS’ increasing program offerings include expanding the Master in Teaching
program; a new data science program; a new forensics security program, drawing from
the Departments of Chemistry and Computer Science; new accelerated degree
programs; and new graduate programs. Additional ECL courses depend on faculty and
resources’ availability. Rutgers will ensure all classes have room for students, as
undergraduate enrollment levels are predicted to return to normal in the first- and
second-year classes. SGA is working to make Financial Aid more reactive; SGA
President Matthew Brodsky urged students with urgent concerns to contact him. CAS
will begin reviewing programs’ required credit hours beginning in fall 2024. Over 500
students with outstanding required courses graduated last year. Student clubs’ budgets are currently $42.5m; Chancellor Tillis hopes to resolve the $8-9m deficit with a $10m fundraising goal. An amendment to Article 6 of the SGA’s constitution—allowing the SGA to create and act on a budget by the SGA’s 3rd general body meeting in fall 2024—was unanimously approved.
The 7/11 location on Cooper Street, beneath the dorms, has an increased police
presence to deter presence. Should students continue to face discrimination at 7/11, they can contact either Brodsky individually or the SGA to report the event. Cooper St. may
also see an increase in its police presence. All prospective SGA candidates must declare candidacy intent by March 29. Requirements are: maintenance of a 2.5 GPA or higher; following election guidelines; and enrollment in one of the following Rutgers schools: the Camden College of Arts and Sciences (50), the School of Business (School 52), the School of Nursing (School 57), University College (School 64), and the Arts & Sciences Graduate School (School 56).
SGA elections will be held 4/8-4/12. Candidates’ information can be found on the SGA
website and student body emails. Previously, a consultation group had requested longer market hours at Gourmet Dining as a solution to 7/11 issues. In response, Gourmet Dining will now be open later: until 9 PM Mondays-Fridays. Gourmet Dining currently has the same morning opening times, although there is talk of opening earlier in the morning.
The SGA adjourned at 5:59 PM. SGA meetings are held every second Thursday at
5:00 PM in the Campus Center’s West ABC; the next two meetings are March 28th and
April 11th. All students and faculty are invited to attend.