Eli Roth’s Thanksgiving: Turkey Day Slasher Flick is Tasty, But Not Cooked All the Way Through.
If the premise here, a blood-soaked Thanksgiving-themed slasher film directed by the guy who did those Hostel movies and Green Inferno, sounds like...
Beetroot Chocolate Cake
Cover Photo by Pushpak Dsilva on Unsplash
Rutgers 2023 Comic Con
If you’re a fan of comics, manga, and anime, then you most likely know of the huge convention that takes...
Anticipated Halloween Costumes of Fall 2023
Halloween has become the pinnacle of pop culture each year. The biggest internet crazes and fads come back around for...
Death Under Glass
Stedman Gallery Goes Under the Microscope in Novel New Exhibit Death Under Glass is a new exhibit that will be...
Barbiemania: It all started with a Doll
WARNING: Spoilers ahead! It all began with a doll in a bathing suit. At least, that’s what Barbie tells us. ...
Rent Smashes into the Rutgers-Camden Stage
April 23rd, 2023 Directed by theater professor Kenneth Elliott, the hit broadway musical Rent was performed across multiple nights by...
A Belated Women’s History Reading List
Too often, women’s literature gets overlooked when we discuss great books, especially when written by queer women and women of...